Deneb Puchalski of Lie-Nielsen Toolworks asked me to let people know they still have 6-7 spaces available in the last 2 classes of their Weekend Workshops series over the next 2 weekends. I'm happy to help out!
The classes are held at their factory classroom in Warren, ME. The room is fully equipped with workbenches; while you should bring your own tools (listed in the details for each class), a variety of their tools are available to try. You can also make purchases during class. Cost is $250 per class, and lunch is provided.
The 2 classes are:
- Aug 18-19: Hand Planed Moldings, taught by Matt Bickford. Details here.
- Aug 25-26: Furniture Details: Decorative Edges and Faces, taught by Garrett Hack. Details here, with photos from last year's class here.
I took a joinery class with Roy Underhill there weekend before last, and it was a blast (see LN's photos here, where they also kindly linked to my post; thanks guys!). It's a great venue, and they bring in the best people. What more fabulous place for a class than at the toy factory?
I've met both Matt and Garrett at various Lie-Nielsen events before. Matt is becoming an expert in the use and making of wooden molding planes, and demonstrates regularly at LN Hand Tool Events. I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of his new book that shipped from Lost Art Press a few days ago; I'll be doing a review of it here in the next few weeks. He has an excellent blog, and makes beautiful planes for sale.
Garrett Hack is another of my true heroes of woodworking, like Roy (as well as Chris Schwarz and Phil Lowe, who coincidentally also taught classes at LN earlier this summer; it's a good thing they weren't all there at once, the building wouldn't have been able to contain so much awesomeness without exploding!).
Garrett is an absolute master of those fine details. Beautiful faceted chamfers and inlays turn already gorgeous pieces into magnificent ones. I love reading his articles and seeing his work. It's also fascinating to watch him work, using some of the simplest of tools. He just sits there on his stool calmly turning out works of art like a Zen master.
The tool list for Garrett's class lists sharpening stones, since it's vital to have sharp tools for this work. You can read an article on his sharpening method and two others here. And if my recent post on convex double-bevel sharpening using an oilstone setup similar to my portable sharpening station didn't interest you, I have two posts that will be ready in the next few days covering single-bevel sharpening on DMT DuoSharps, and paring chisel sharpening on the Ohishi waterstones I got at LN (with DMT Dia-Sharp for coarse grinding and Dia-Flat for stone flattening). They'll be online in time for his class.
If you sign up for a class, don't wait until the last minute to make hotel reservations. There's a reason Maine is called Vacationland. For my class with Roy, I stayed 30 minutes away in Edgecomb at the Cod Cove Inn, and was very impressed by it. Cleanest room I've ever been in, and great lemon poppyseed muffins.
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